
Vai Nataša nomira autoavārijā?
Kas notika ar Natašu Lūisu? 28 gadus vecā Nataša Lūisa tika nogalināta rīta skrējienā Batā 2021. gada aprīlī. Šeit attēlots kopā ar partneri Deivu Bou...
Why has vinny left orange county choppers?
What happened to Vinny from Orange County Choppers? In 2013, Vinnie revealed that V-Force Customs had been renamed to DiMartino Motorsport Automotive,...
How much does cast of American choppers make per episode?
How much money did Orange County Choppers make? Orange County Choppers has established itself as a great place to work in New York, and it is number 1...
Vai Vinnijs atgriežas pie Orange County choppers?
Vai Vinnijs atgriežas OCC? nepavadīju pārāk daudz laika, sērojot par Vinnija aiziešanu. ... Vinnijs nodibināja savu velosipēdu ražošanas uzņēmumu ar n...